Iterating over array getting look-ahead items along
A simple task but for some reason I liked it, after all the small optimizations I made
So we need to loop over array taking a limited number of loop-ahead items as well. If there are no more items, we should start from the beginning.
// always make such numbers configurable
$num_lookaheads = 5;
// test array
$images = [1,2,3,4];
// limit the number of lookaheads if array is too small
$limit = min($num_lookaheads, count($images));
foreach ($images as $position => $value)
// current item
echo $value,"\n";
// getting look-aheads
// taking the missing items from the beginning
$beginning = 0;
for($i = 1; $i < $limit; $i++) {
$ahead = $images[$position + $i] ?? $images[$beginning++];
echo " ", $ahead,"\n";
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