Top 10

  1. Mysql(i)_real_escape_string prevents SQL injection
  2. Second order SQL injection
  3. Escaping user input to prevent SQL injection
  4. Mysqli is for the newbies while PDO is for the advanced folks
  5. Extensive use of the number of rows returned by a SELECT query
  6. Disabling errors for security reasons
  7. If (isset($var) && !empty($var))
  8. Try and catch to echo an error
  9. HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_X_CLIENT_IP etc. to get the "real" IP
  10. Single quotes are faster than double
  11. You name it?
  12. Comments (12)

Initially, this site was launched as a place where I can treat PHP delusions: disprove numerous fallacies and superstitions circulating in the PHP community. Eventually I learned that it's not enough to disclose a misconception or a wrong practice - the right way should be shown as well, so for the time being I switched to writing educational articles. But seeing the same delusions expressed again and again on Stack Overflow or other forums around the Net, I decided to compile a sort of Top 10 list, the most frequent PHP delusions. Some of them are quite important, whereas others are but nitpicks. But they all indicate a cargo cult programming, a practice then someone mindlessly uses a code due to common belief/practice but don't really get the idea of it.

Mysql(i)_real_escape_string prevents SQL injection

I'd say that up to this day most PHP folks still believe in this nonsense, all thanks to a stupid note from the PHP manual: "This function must always (with few exceptions) be used to make data safe". "To make data safe", my foot!

In reality this function has absolutely nothing to do with safety or injections, merely escaping special characters in SQL string literals, making them immune to SQL injection as a side effect, but being utterly useless for any other query part, from a table name to a numeric literal. To protect from SQL injection, one should follow two simple rules:

  1. Any variable data literal (i.e. a string or a number) should be substituted with a parameter, whereas actual value should be sent to the query separately, through bind/execute process.
  2. All other query parts that happen to be added through a variable, should be explicitly filtered through a hardcoded list of allowed values.

Second order SQL injection

Many people take second order injection wrong, thanks to extremely confusing wording in this answer on Stack Overflow. People often make it that a prepared statement protects from the 1st order but not from 2nd. Which is plainly wrong.

In reality, it's quite the opposite: second order SQL injection happens only if you neglect a prepared statement. It happens when you are foolish enough to separate the sheep from the goat, to decide whether some certain data is safe or not, and therefore whether to use a prepared statement or not. Eventually such an approach will lead to second order injection. Whereas if you're using prepared statements all over the place, no 2nd or 99nd order injection is ever possible.

Escaping user input to prevent SQL injection

A nasty one. OWASP up to this day lists it as one of its recommendations, let alone hordes of PHP users reciting this sermon on a daily basis. Whereas you can tell from the above, it's a complete rubbish, in the meaning both parts are wrong:

Mysqli is for the newbies while PDO is for the advanced folks

In reality it's the opposite. Given the main difference between the old mysql ext and mysqli is support for the prepared statements AND a whole lot of trouble when using prepared statements with mysqli (one can't even get a usual assoc array or num rows from a prepared statement without a certain trick) on one hand; and consistent, predictable and useful API that PDO offers on the other hand, mysqli should be only recommended for someone who certainly knows what are they doing and have a decent experience in programming.

Extensive use of the number of rows returned by a SELECT query

It can be seen in almost every PHP script, yet every time you have an idea to use it, it's either superfluous or harmful.
And for the only case when it can be of any use, it is not available at all.

Disabling errors for security reasons

Either local @s or error_reporting(0) globally. This can be seen in too much code snippets. To prevent PHP from printing errors on-screen, people often disable error reporting at all. In fact, for the newly written code error reporting should be always E_ALL, and without @s. Whereas to prevent errors from appearing in the browser, one needs to set another configuration option:

  ini_set('display_errors', 0);

and let PHP to log error instead. Further reading: Error reporting in PHP

If (isset($var) && !empty($var))

Is essentially a grammar tautology that reads as if (isset($var) && isset($var) && $var). The full explanation is here: Do you really need to check for both isset() and empty() at the same time?

Try and catch to echo an error

Catching an exception only to report it is a sure overkill. Simply because uncaught exception is a fatal error already, and it will be reported by itself. Without that blunt try/catch/die sequence, making your code much cleaner.

Sadly, the PHP manual is especially bad at it, showing such examples all over the place. On the one hand, it is understandable as such an example is guaranteed to output an error message, regardless of the user settings. On the other hand, this when this approach gets mindlessly copy-pasted into the live code, it turns out to be superfluous, user-unfriendly and harmful .

HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR, HTTP_X_CLIENT_IP etc. to get the "real" IP

Just read that old story from Anthony Ferrara and never trust anything other than REMOTE_ADDR in security matters.

TL;DR: everything beside REMOTE_ADDR is just an HTTP header that can be easily spoofed by anyone.

There is an exception from this rule, though: if your PHP script is behind the trusted proxy, and you positively know which particular HTTP header/env variable set by that proxy contains an external IP, you can use that variable for sure. Better yet, configure your proxy to inject the remote IP directly into REMOTE_ADDR (i.e. fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $http_x_real_ip; for nginx).

Single quotes are faster than double

The main article: What's wrong with popular articles telling you that foo is faster than bar?

You name it?

The above list is highly subjective, compiled from what I see every day on Stack Overflow. If you know a fallacy or a superstition widely shared in the community, please leave a comment below.