Mysqli helper function

  1. Native mysqli solution
  2. Temporary substitution
  3. Examples
  4. Previous version of this article, now obsoleted
  5. Comments (2)

Previously this article featured a userland function, prepared_query(), but there is no reason to use it anymore.

Native mysqli solution

PHP 8.2 got a great new function, mysqli_execute_query(), which does all the job of prepare/bind/ execute in one go (which makes mysqli better than PDO in this regard, as the latter doesn't have such function (yet)).

$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test WHERE id=?";
$row $db->execute_query($sql, [$id])->fetch_assoc();

without using any user-defined functions.

Temporary substitution

but if your PHP version is not that recent, you can still use this function by creating a temporary userland implementation. The code below extends the mysqli class adding this new method

$mysqli_class_name 'mysqli';
if (
version_compare(PHP_VERSION'8.2''<')) {

mysqli_execute_query(mysqli $mysqlistring $query, ?array $params null)
$stmt $mysqli->prepare($query);
        if (
$params) {
$types str_repeat("s"count($params));
$stmt->bind_param($types, ...$params);

my_mysqli extends mysqli {
        public function 
execute_query(string $query, ?array $params null)
$mysqli_class_name 'my_mysqli';
$mysqli = new $mysqli_class_name($hostname$username$password$dbname);

You can add a code like this to where your database connection is created and it would universally work for any PHP version >= 7.0. In case current PHP version is below 8.2, it will use the extended version of mysqli class, and the original class otherwise.


The following code snippet can be run as is, given there is a mysqli.php file in the current directory contains the code from the corresponding chapter with database credentials properly set.

require 'mysqli.php';

#Create a temporary table
$db->query("CREATE temporary TABLE tmp_mysqli_helper_test
            (id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(9))"
# populate it with sample data
$sql "INSERT INTO tmp_mysqli_helper_test (name) VALUES (?),(?),(?)";
$db->execute_query($sql, ['Sam','Bob','Joe']);
"Affected rows: $db->affected_rows\n";
"Last insert id: $db->insert_id\n";

# Getting rows in a loop
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test WHERE id > ?";
$result $db->execute_query($sql, [1]);
while (
$row $result->fetch_assoc())

# Getting one row
$id  1;
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test WHERE id=?";
$row $db->execute_query($sql, [$id])->fetch_assoc();

# Update
$id 1;
$new 'Sue';
$sql "UPDATE tmp_mysqli_helper_test SET name=? WHERE id=?";
$db->execute_query($sql, [$new$id]);
"Affected rows: $db->affected_rows\n";

# Getting array of rows
$start 0;
$limit 10;
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test LIMIT ?,?";
$all $db->execute_query($sql, [$start$limit])->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach (
$all as $row)

See this code online

Previous version of this article, now obsoleted

Main problems of mysqli

There are several problems with mysqli

The saving grace

Luckily, PHP greatly evolved recently, making most of the problems solved. Still we will need a simple wrapper function (but to be honest, we need such for PDO as well) but at least such a wrapper function / class would take us a sane amount of code to write

The code

So here is the code:

function prepared_query($mysqli$sql$params$types "")
$types $types ?: str_repeat("s"count($params));
$stmt $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bind_param($types, ...$params);

This function accepts four arguments. Three mandatory:

and one optional:

and the code goes as follows:

Mission accomplished!

A helper function for SELECT queries

If you don't like that ->get_result() part that is just a routine for any SELECT query, you can create a sister function for SELECT queries, let's call it prepared_select():

function prepared_select($mysqli$sql$params = [], $types "") {

And now you can get rid of this get_result thingy:

$start 0;
$limit 10;
$sql "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT ?,?";
$user_list prepared_select($mysqli$sql, [$start$limit])->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

Not a big deal but when you have to write a lot of queries...
Either way, it is entirely up to you whether to use such a function or not.


The following code snippet can be run as is, given there is a mysqli.php file in the current directory contains the code from the corresponding chapter with database credentials properly set.

require 'mysqli.php';

#Create a temporary table
$db->query("CREATE temporary TABLE tmp_mysqli_helper_test
              (id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(9))"

# populate it with sample data
$sql "INSERT INTO tmp_mysqli_helper_test (name) VALUES (?),(?),(?)";
$stmt prepared_query($db$sql, ['Sam','Bob','Joe']);
"Affected rows: $stmt->affected_rows\n";
"Last insert id: $db->insert_id\n";

# Getting rows in a loop
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test WHERE id > ?";
$result prepared_select($db$sql, [1]);
while (
$row $result->fetch_assoc())

# Getting one row
$id  1;
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test WHERE id=?";
$row prepared_select($db$sql, [$id])->fetch_assoc();

# Update
$id 1;
$new 'Sue';
$sql "UPDATE tmp_mysqli_helper_test SET name=? WHERE id=?";
$affected_rows prepared_query($db$sql, [$new$id])->affected_rows;
"Affected rows: $affected_rows\n";

# Getting an array of rows
$start 0;
$limit 10;
$sql "SELECT * FROM tmp_mysqli_helper_test LIMIT ?,?";
$all prepared_select($db$sql, [$start$limit])->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
foreach (
$all as $row)

See this code online

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